Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Any Second......

Ashton at about a year (May 06)

Caedmon is due Aug. 9th but Renee is feeling him coming any moment. We can't wait. Although Ashton is a bit jealous that mommy's lap is getting smaller because Caedmon is taking up all the space.

Having kids is the greatest thing in the world. If you don't have kids or are waiting because you think they will ruin or change your life forever, throw that untruth and take it from me and the Lord that kids are awesome!!!!!!!! You may be tired and confused but you will never regret it or wish you didn't have them.

Well, my soap box is getting a bit shaky so i will postpone any other rantings.


At 11:00 PM, Blogger Andrew Newland said...

I know there are reasons for waiting but look forward to it like crazy. (i knew people would be coming up with all kinds of reasons which i am sure are good. I am just excited and pumped to be a dad.)

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Tim St. Clair II said...

I agree! Having kids is so awesome! They do change life a bit, but I think for the BETTER! This is what God intended since the beginning of time! AWESOME! Looking forward to seeing the new little one! Love and miss you guys!

At 2:32 PM, Blogger Don & Katrina Hines said...

Hey guys!

I just now am checking out your blog since I was totally oblivious to what it was called! But thanks to Miss. Organization (Beth) I now know where to find you! Ha ha ha! We loved seeing you guys and miss you all so much! We are praying for the new arrival of Caedmon! Hopefully soon for both mom and son! Come check out new blog when you have time (ha)!

At 3:23 PM, Blogger Karen said...

Hi, guys...especially Renee! Karen Stine here, at least that's the name I had when I graduated NBBC. Nice to see pics of you and your beautiful little guy! I'm due in less than 6 weeks myself; congrats on your coming arrival!

At 10:42 AM, Blogger Heather said...

Hey Renee and family! I hope your little one comes soon! Your little boy is so cute...I love his blonde hair!!

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Abby said...

Hey guys - came across your blog through Tim's! Ashton is adorable, and I'm sure Caedmon will be too! Congrats on that. Sounds like you all are doing well! So good to catch up on everyone!!!!

PS -It's me - Abby "So-Cool" - now Abby Turner, future pastor's wife - yup - my husband is in seminary! Who'd of thunk it?!

At 4:36 PM, Blogger Amandaleann said...

I am so excited for you guys. Please keep the blog updated with news and pictures as soon as he arrives. I will be checking it frequently until Caedmon comes:) Ashton is too cute. Pictures are one of the best ways to stay connected so keep them coming. love you guys


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